love them 4ever

love them 4ever

Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011

6th Anniversary for PETALS....

Hi,..All of PETALS Around the world...are u still remember 6 years ago,..Our Lovely Hubby/Heechul/Heenim/Cinderella on March 6th,2005..he start/debut....???!!!that means PETALS Begin...Cause When Heechul Oppa Starting,..PETALS starting too...right?????

So,..Let's Celebrate our Birthday...Happy Birthday PETALS...Happy Birthday Heenim oppa...we always Here Love You.....


Sebelumnya, selain istilah ELF yang merupakan nama fans-club resmi SJ ada nama – nama lain yang mungkin sering kita dengar, atau ada sebagian mungkin dari kalian kebetulan fans Heechul yang lebih suka menyebut diri dengan sebutan seperti Petals ataupun Undead. 2 nama terakhir cukup familiar didengar, apalagi Heechul kerap memanggil para petals, dan baru – baru ini istilah Undead terpampang lewat twiiter Heedictator.
Artikel kali ini Cuma sekedar splash page untuk mengenal lebih jauh tentang istilah fans menyebut diri mereka.  Seperti apakah koneksi yang terjalin antara ELF-PETALS-UNDEAD ? Awalnya kukira 3 istilah ini sama = Fans Heechul. Tapi nyatanya, ketiga sebuatn ini punya makna dan arti beda – beda dan tipis, dibilang sama, memang sama – sama sebutan fans Heechul, dibilang beda, memang ada bedanya juga. Bahkan heechul sendiri cukup kelimpungan bagaimana mengelompokan fansnnya kedalam grup – grup ini ~ kekekeke~ ]

Sebelumnya, kita harus kembali melihat discography Heechul sebagai seorang entertainer di masa lalu. Dia tercatat menjadi member SJ hingga kini tapi nyatanya dia sudah debut jauh sebelum bergabung dengan SJ dan telah memiliki fan-base tersendiri jauh sebelum SJ terbentuk yang bernama Petals. Jadi singkatnya, Petals ini “kakak”-nya ELF ~ yah ilsilah keluarganya kayak gitu ~ hehehehhehe~ So, bagi mereka para Petals, loyalitas mereka hanya tertuju pada Heechul secara individual bukan pada SJ secara keseluruhan seperti pada umumnya dan mereka tidak terlalu menyukai jenis – jenis “fan service” ataupun semacam SJ’s Pair. Sedangkan Undead  = Petals + ELF, ( seperti gw) yang menerima dengan senang hati menyambut segala macam “fanservice” ataupun intimate antar member.
Heechul pernah menjelaskannya di  minihompy. “Combining the two, you’re called Undead okay?” The Undead itu adalah istilah dimana  orang – orang yang mengikuti pemimpin mereka membabi buta tanpa ba bi bu. Karenanya dibanding ribet menyebut Petals & ELF, dia memilih istilah Undead untuk nama fansclubnya yang terbaru. Tapi berhubung, PETALS sudah berdiri jauh lebih lama, Heechul sulit untuk mengubah istilah yang lebih dulu melekat erat ini. Akhirnya, kini Heechul memilih menuliskan 2 nama….Petals  &  Undead merujuk kepada para fans ^__^
So…kalian memilih sebagai yang mana ? PETALS ? UNDEAD ? or just ELF…^__^

Super Junior member’s fan club

Super Junior member’s fan club
Hey yang punya bias di Super Junior. Udah tahukah kalau tiap member juga punya nama fan club masing-masing? Periksa punya kalian masing-masing.
Leeteuk: Jungsoo Holic/Blue Wingers/Angeleeteuk
Heechul: Petals
Hangeng: GengFans
Yesung: Clouds
Kangin: Camomile
Shindong: Shins Friend
Sungmin: Oppaya/Smilers/Mings/Pumpkiners
Eunhyuk: Jewels
Donghae: ELFishy
Siwon: Siwonest
Ryeowook: Ryeosomnia
Kibum: Snowers
Kyuhyun: Sparkyu/Gamers
Ehm, baru tahu kalau fans Kibum namanya Snowers LOL kemana saja saya selama ini ckckck. Trus ada beberapa member yang yang sebenernya punya banyak nama fan club tapi entah mana yang bener mana yang salah. Yang jelas semuanya dipersatukan dalam sebuah nama ELF “EverLasting Friends”.
>> Super Junior member’s insa
Kalau lagi rame-rame pasti udah tahu dong gimana gaya insa (salam) Super Junior. Biasanya dimulai dengan nundukin pala trus bilang “Annyeonghaseyo” dan tiba-tiba terdengarlah teriakan Tukie “Urineun Syupo Juni~ ” dan disambut member yang lain dengan “o~e~o” bersamaan dengan tangan terbuka lebar ke depan dan biasanya Heechul (sampe sekarang malah) memerikan bentuk yang beda sendiri, bukan hi-five tapi piss. Ini dia.
Ya ampun, sempet-sempetnya yaa gaya imut gitu, ckckck. Tetap dipertahankan yaa oppa perbedaanmu. Itu yang bikin Petal cinta mati ama Heechul, karena dia beda dan dia pede. Ehh tapi pernah loh sekali Heechul pake insa yang normal.
Kalau diliat dari gaya rambutnya kayaknya itu jaman-jaman U deh. Masi singa semua, LOL.
Tapi ada saatnya juga tiap member memperkenalkan diri mereka secara sendiri-sendiri. Apa yang biasa mereka ucapkan atau pamerkan atas diri mereka? Jangan ketawa yaa bacanya.
~ LEETEUK>> “Annyeonghaseyo! Aku adalah member yang paling muda bagi semua ibu-ibu yang ada diluar sana., aku adalah Leeteuk dari Super Junior.” Atau “Annyeonghaseyo! Aku dalah pria berbakat dalam hal apa saja, panggil aku Leeteuk”
~ KIM HEECHUL>> “Annyeonghaseyo! Aku adalah orang yang sudah ditakdirkan terkenal semenjak lahir, Kim Heechul imnida” terkadang dia juga suka memperkenalkan diri dengan “Annyeonghaseyo! Kim Heechul imnida, pria yang selalu muda tidak akan pernah tua.”
~ HANKYUNG>> “Annyeonghaseyo! Aku adalah hankyung dari super junior, pria paling tampan yang ada di Suju.”
~ YESUNG>> “Annyeonghaseyo! Aku adalah pria dengan suara paling indah di Super Junior, Yesung imnida.” Atau “Hnnyeonghaseyo! Aku adalah member yang paling muda bagi semua bapak-bapak yang ada di luar sana, Yesung imnida
~ KANGIN>> “Annyeonghaseyo! Aku adalah pria yang terkenal hanya diantara wanita berusia 40 sampai 50 tahun” dan setiap berat badannya naik, dia bakalan memperkenalkan diri dengan,“Annyeonghaseyo! Aku dari Super Junior, Kangin imnida. Aku tambah gemuk bukan?”
~ SHINDONG>> “Annyeonghaseyo! Aku adalah pria paling langsing di super junior, aku adalah Shindong!” atau “Annyeonghaseyo! Aku adalah pria yang paling bertalenta di Super Junior, Shindong imnida”
~ LEE SUNGMIN>> “Annyeonghaseyo! Aku adalah pria paling murni diantara semua member Super Junior, panggil aku Sungmin!” atau “Annyeonghaseyo! Aku adalah penerus generasi pria-pria cantik dari Super Junior, Sungmin imnida”
~ LEE DONGHAE>> “Annyeonghaseyo! Aku adalah pria yang penuh dengan kebahagian, Donghae imnida.”
~ EUNHYUK>> “Anyeonghaseyo! Aku adalah pria yang paling berharga dan charming di Super Junior, Eunhyuk imnida.” Atau “Annyeonghaseyo! Aku adalah anak laki-laki yang paling berpotensi bagi semua ibu yang ada di luar sana”
~ CHOI SIWON>> “Annyeonghaseyo! Aku adalah the gesture man dari Super Junior, Siwon imnida” atau “Annyeonghaseyo! Siwon imnida” *
~ KIM RYEOWOOK>> “Annyeonghaseyo! Aku adalah koki special dari Super Junior, Ryeowook imnida”
~ KIM KI BUM>> “Annyeonghaseyo! Aku adalah Kim Kibum dari Super Junior.
~ CHO KYUHYUN>> “Anyeonghaseyo! Aku adalah pria dengan umur rata-rata dibawah Super Junior” atau ”Annyeonghaseyo! Aku adalah magnae dari Super Junior!

Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

[Trans] Super Junior's 2011 messages!

Check out Super Junior's 2011 Messages!
LeeTeuk: 2011 year of the rabbit!! 
Like rabbits, let’s jump far!! Let our 5th album be a hit!!

Yesung: 2011..Only share happiness and love ^^
Shindong: 2011…Always with Shindong! With Super Junior!!
Sungmin: I love you<3>Eunhyuk: This year I’ll do even better…
Everyone give me your luck!!<3>Donghae: In the new year I hope you become even healthier and may your days be filled with happiness. We love you even more.

Siwon: This year, I hope there are no sad things and that each day will be filled with happiness.

Ryeowook: I love you E.L.F ^^ 2011.1.1

Kyuhyun: In 2011 as well, let’s have an enjoyable time with Super Junior! ^__^

SourceSuper Junior Official Website
Shared by hellohazel @ SMTownJjang 

Leeteuk berikan kemejanya untuk Granny saat konser SS3 di Filipina

Leeteuk, menunjukkan cinta dan hormatnya untuk semua ELF,ia diketahui baru2 ini memberikan baju kepada seorang nenek yangmenyaksikan konser mereka di Filipina untuk SS3 yang diadakan di Manila.
Leeteuk memberikan kemejanya dalam konser itu. Leeteuk dengan sopan meminta ELF untuk memberikan ruang agar ia bisa melihat nenek itu. Lalu dengan sopan ia memberi kemejanya secara langsung untuk nenek itu dan memberikan salam hormat sebelum kembali. ELF Filipina yang melihat betapa sopan dan baiknya sang leader, memujinya berkali2.
Tip by xiaotinkey + YT channel by shayneknixx + Pic by @drazen0401

Super Junior M Henry “I thought Super Junior were gay”

Super Junior M’s Henry mengejutkan semua orang tentang kesan pertamanya terhadap super junior
Pada 1 Maret, selama SBS ‘Strong Heart’, Henry menyebutkan kesan pertamanya kepada member Super Junior dengan mengatakan “ Di Korea, Tidak apa-apa jika laki-laki saling berjalan erat dan melakukan ‘skinship’, tetapi di luar negeri, hal ini dapat disalapahami sebagai gay”
Henry juga mengatakan, “Ketika pertama kali saya bertemu dengan anggota, mereka memberi saya tamparan di (maaf) pantat sebagai ucapan, terus terang itu cukup gay,” ”Leeteuk satu-satunya yang melakukan ‘the most butt-slapping’”
Setelah topic tentang gay,  Henry pindah ke topic “transgender”
Tentang “pretty idol” Kim Heechul, Henri mengatakan “Dia benar-benar seperti seorang gadis, dengan rambut panjang, dan benar-benar cantik. Saya pikir dia adalah seorang transgender”. Itu membuat semua orang tertawa
Eunhyuk juga punya “taste of culture shock from Henry”
Dia mengatakan “Pada awalnya, Henry menyebut pendiri SM yaitu Lee Soo Man dengan sebutan ‘Mr Lee’”
Henry menjawab, “Awalnya, saya tidak tahu siapa dia, jadi saya pikir dia hanya bos SM, jadi saya berkata ‘Hei, Mr Lee’ sebagai salam. Lalu ia menyerahkan kartu namanya, dan mengatakan bahwa saya dapat menghubungi dia” . Itu membuat para penonton tertawa
Eunhyuk menambahkan, “Bahkan Sekarang, Ketika Henry melihat Lee Soo Man Sunbaenim, dia masih menggunakan salam inggrisnya ‘Mr Lee’ dan Lee Soo Man akan berkata ‘Kami adalah teman’ dan ia tidak marah”
Source: TV Report via NATE
Shared by: KyU Is L♥
Korean – Chinese translation: SJM’s Baidu Bar
Chinese – English translation: ミ mholic ★
Trans Indo : Thefeysture@AFC

Heechul Super Junior jadi leader Satu Hari

Bagaimana jadinya jika member Super Junior yang eksentrik yaituHeechul menjadi leader boyband ini. Segera saja sebuah peraturan baru untuk mendukung rezim satu harinya yang bertajuk HeeMalBub dibuat.
Pada hari Jumat tanggal 4 Maret 2011, Heechul mentweet:
"Setelah bermain batu kertas gunting, aku menjadi leader hari ini. Tidak seperti sorbet(sejenis makanan penutup) manis layaknya Leeteuk, aku akan memimpin seperti cabai Cheongyang yang terasa kuat. Kamu hanya boleh bercakap atas persetujuanku, dan kamu harus bergerak seperti gestur yang aku lakukan," tulisnya.
Setelah itu, Shindong mentweet foto dirinya dan Leeteuk dan Yesung serta mengatakan, "Jika leader Heechul mengatakan untuk tertawa, kita harus tertawa," tulisnya.
HeeMalBub: Apapun yang leader Heechul katakan adalah hukum...bukankah hal ini adalah hal yang baik?
Selain menjadi leader satu hari, foto dari pre debut Heechul bersama dengan Yesungdan Yunho muncul di internet dan menimbulkan banyak reaksi dari penggemar.
Dalam foto tersebut, tampak Yunho hanya memakai boxer dan memegang satu bungkus susu. Yunho tampak diapit oleh Heechul serta Yesung dalam pakaian training mereka. (alk/sjw)

kkkkkkk,..Oppa,you are so awesome!!!!

Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Lyrics for Super junior other song


(Girlfriend) Jagiya manhi muhguh
(Shindong) Uga uga! Uga uga!
(Sungmin) Nae yuhjachinguneun
(Shindong) Nomu yeppuhyuh
(Sungmin) Nae yuhjachinguneun
(Eunhyuk) Mameun duh yeppuhyuh
(Sungmin) Hajiman geunyuhegedo danhangaji
Danjuhmnaboda mothan yorisomsshi
(Eunhyuk) Bapdo mothae gukdo mothae
(Shindong) Iguth juhguht amuguhtdo mothae
(Eunhyuk) Ramyuhne muldo mot matchugo
(Shindong) Ganjanginji colanjido gubyuhl mothae
(Eunhyuk) Nuhreul nomu johahajiman
(Shindong) Nuhreul nomu saranghajiman
(Eunhyuk) Jongmal idaeroramyuhn
(Shindong) Gyuhlhoneun jom
(Leeteuk) Waenirinji uhneunal juhnyuhk chodae handamyuh
Nuhui jibeuro nareul boolluhjji naneun gidaehaessuhjji
(Yesung) Gulmgo gulmgo ddo gulmuh niga haejul
Mashinneun juhnyuk gidaehamyuh
Sangsanghamyuh sutgarageul deun geu sungan
(Eunhyuk) Iruhke matuhbsuhdo dwenayo
(Kangin) Iruhke matuhbsuhdo dwenayo
Dodaeche mu uhlnuheun guhngayo
(Yesung) Oh ew nomu matuhbsuh
(Kangin) Charari naega nuneul gamgo
Mandeunge duh na eulguhtman gatayo
(Leeteuk) Mashi uttuhnya naege mudneyo
(Eunhyuk) Mwoyaaa
(Leeteuk) Ddo naege museum hini innayo
(Sungmin) Ooh ooh mashiddaaa
(Leeteuk) Juhngmal mashiddarago haedduhni geunyuh
Useumyuh hangeureut duh juneyo nal sallyujwo
(Eunhyuk) Myuhchil dongan geunyuh amu yuhnlak obgo
(Shindong) Geunyuh chingu tonghae ahn geunyuhui soshik
(Eunhyuk&Shindong) Yuhnguh
(Leeteuk) I’m full
(Eunhyuk&Shindong) Iruh
(Sungmin) Anou
(Eunhyuk&Shindong) Jungkuguh
(Shindong) Lai lai
(Eunhyuk&Shindong) Hakwuhneul danineura shiganuhbda haneyo
(Yesung) Geuruhn geunyuh gapjagi naege yuhnlak haewajjyo
Dashi hanbuhn duh juhnyuhk chodaereul hageddaneyo
(Leeteuk) Nan gwaenchanhda baebureuda mareul haejjiman
Hokshina haneun geuruhn maeumeuro
Nuhege dallyuh ganneunde
(Kangin) Iruhke mashissuhdo dwenayo
(Sungmin) Iruhke mashissuhdo dwenayo
(Kangin) Ige sarami mandeun guhngayo
(Yesung) Ooh mashissuh
(Sungmin) Iruhnge iddaneun somundo
Naneun deuruh bonjuhkdo obneunde
(Leeteuk) Mashi uhttuhnya naege mudneyo
(Sungmin) Joha joha nomu joha
(Leeteuk) Nunmul heullimyuh nan marhaejjyo
(Yesung) Muhrie tuhlnago iruhke
Mashinneun yorineun nan chuheumiya
(Sungmin) Algoboni geunyuhneun nareul wihaesuh
(Yesung) Yorihakwuhneul danyuhdduhn guhjyo
(All) Oooh mashijjyo
(Yesung) Naneun geuguhtdo moreunchae
(Leeteuk) Iruhke matuhbsuhdo
(Shindong) Aniji
(Kangin) Iruhke mashissuhdo dwenayo
(Shindong) Geuruhji
(Kangin) Ige sarami mendeun guhngayo
(Sungmin) Jagiya
Iruhnge iddaneun somundo naneun
Deuruh bonjuhkdo obneunde
(Yesung) Ooh mashissuh unttuhkae
(Leeteuk) Nomu joha nomu joha
Mashi uhttuhnya naege mudneyo
(Yesung) Choigo
(Leeteuk) Nunmul heullimyuh nan marhaejjyo
(Yesung) Muhrie tuhlnalgo iruhke
Mashinneun yorineun nan chuheumiya
(Shindong) Hahahaha
(Kangin) Aah mashissuhyo
(Sungmin) Eheheh
(Eunhyuk) Duhwoyo
(Girlfriend) Jagiya baebulluh

Dancing Out
[Eunhyuk]2006 SMTOWN right now,
Sapphire blue is Super Jr.
[ALL]Dancing Out on the Edge
Dancing Out on the Edge

[Heechul]Arumdaun geudaewa na sesang bakkeuro na aka
[Siwon]Chumdeo maneun keodeuleul bogo neukkidorokaebwa

[Hankyung]Apeun mamsoke duko eokjiro useuryeokodo haji ma
[Kyuhyun]Naeka yeope ineunde neon mweoga kajeonginkeoyah

[Ryeowook]Nawah sumchake ddwieo jeo deulpaneul daryeo
Sankkokdaekiyehseo keuke sorichyeobwa
[SUngmin]Meomchuji ma i meojin sesange I'm alive
Nawa hamke deo Dancing Out on the Edge

[Donghae]Achim ijjik ireona pamneudorok iraesseo
[Eunhyuk]Shwigo shipeo ji ddae handu beon anya
[Leeteuk]Ddangeul balko ineun nado kakkeumeun
Saedeulcheoreom naraboko shipeohsseo
[Kangin]Kkwak makin kaseum ddureojukeh mandeul bihaengeul

[Sungmin]Nawa sumchakeh dwieo jeo deulpaneul daryeo
Sankkodaekiyehseo keuke sorichyeobwa
[Yesung]Meomchuji ma i meojin sesange I'm alive nawahamkke deo

[Kibum]Du pareul deulgo sonbbyeokeul meoriwiro himkket deo sori jireo
[Shindong]Du pareul deulgo sonbbyeokeul meoriwiro himkket deo sori jireo
[Kibum]Dariko shipeo, ddeoneko shipeo syupeojuni eowa ei shikan
[Shindong]Dariko shipeo, ddeoneko shipeo syupeojuni eowa ei shikan

[Kyuhyun]Saramdeul sokehseo nawa uri dulman ineunkeol that's cool
[Ryeowook]Keu nuku do somdael su obneun sarangeul wihae

[ALL]Nawa sumchakeh dwieo jeo deulpaneul daryeo
Sankkodaekiyehseo keuke sorichyeobwa
Meomchuji ma i meojin sesange I'm alive nawahamkke deo
Sumchake dwieo jeo deulpaneul daryeo
Sankkodaekiyehseo keuke sorichyeobwa
Meomchuji ma i meojin sesange I'm alive nawahamkke deo

[ALL]Keuke sorichyeobwa
Dancing Out on the Edge
[Heechul]Du paleul deulko sonpyeokeul meoriwiro himkkeot deo sori jireo
[ALL]Keuke sorichyeobwa
[Shindong]keokjeong malgo nawa kati rideume momeul makyeo
[ALL]Keuke sorichyeobwa
[Kibum]Du paleul deulko sonpyeokeul meoriwiro himkkeot deo sori jireo
[ALL]Dancing Out on the Edge

A man in love
Naui gobaek achime nun tteosseul ttae bogosipeuneolguldo
Naui gipeun jameun kkaewobeorin saramdo
Geunyeo apeman seomyeon babogateun naingeol
Eotteon maldo hal su eopge sumi makhyeoojanha

Neoui meoritgyeol geu songarak geu misoreul jitneun ipsul kkeutkkaji
Nuguwado bakkul su eomneun geunyeomanui saekkkare nan ppajyeobeoryeosseo
Heeoseutaildo geu nunbitto dokteukhan ne maltukkajido
Nae insaengeul bakkul suga isseulmankeum chungbunhaesseo

Jigeum neoreul hyanghae gago isseo
Ijen amugeotdo naui gireul mageul suga eomneungeotdo
Geunyeomanui han namjaga doedeonga
Anim geunyeo mameul naega humchyeobeorilkka

Ip aneseo maemmaem dora (nae gobaek)
Michilgeotman gateun nae simjeongeul (You know)
Amudo alji motae
Taneun deutan nae mongmareumdo
Neoui siseondo neoui immatdo niga jeulgyeodeutneun noraekkajido
Neoui gyeote inneun modeungeon naui gwansimui chojeomi doego maneungeol
Neoui danjeomdo ne apeumdo ijen nae geosi doebeoryeosseo
Ne seulpeumeul hamkke halsu inneungeollo haengbokhaesseo

Nan cham eoriseogeun nomingeol
Neoreul hyanghan eotteon maeumdo malhal su inneun yonggiga eopseo
Nan jayurowojigo sipeo
Ne ape dagaseol su inneun nal nan gidaryeo

Ne eolgureul barabone
Ne jageun eokkaereul gamssabeoryeonne
Seoseohi tadeureoganeun ipsuri neukkyeojine
Uri seoro eotteon pyohyeondo deo isangui eotteon maldeullo
Huippuyeon angaedeullo dwideophin kkael su eopdeon
Geugeon kkumieosseo kkumieosseo

Nan jal moreujiman saramdeul malhaneungeon
Meotjin seonmullo nae jasineul seontaekhaneungeoya
Nae kkumeul nanwojul su inneun sojunghan sarami nega doejugil
In my love
Baby naebeoryeodwo naega saranghaneun gireun
Nae gireul modu boyeojul su itge
Gaseumi apa nae momi malla
Nan mogi malla nae mureul dalla
Deo isang nae gaseumane mudeobeorin inyeoneuro kkeutnael suga eopseo
Gaseumi apa nae momi malla
Nan mogi malla nae mureul dalla

Neoui meoritgyeol geu songarak geu misoreul jitneun ipsul kkeutkkaji
Nuguwado bakkul su eomneun geunyeomanui saekkkare nan ppajyeobeoryeosseo
Heeoseutaildo geu nunbitto dokteukhan ne maltukkajido
Nae insaengeul bakkul suga isseulmankeum chungbunhaesseo

SUNGMIN] Hanbuhndo nan nuhreul ijuhbonjuhk uhbsuh ojik geudaemaneul saenggakhaenneunguhl
[HAN GENG] Geuruhn nuhneun mwuhya nal ijuhdduhn guhya
[LEETEUK] Jigeum nae noonesuhn noonmool heulluh baeshingam

[SHINDONG] Nuhl chajagalgga saenggakhaessuh [EUNHYUK] Nan nan jal moreugessuh
[SHINDONG] Ee sesangi dolgoinneun jigeum [EUNHYUK] Nan nuh bakke uhbji
[SHINDONG] Halmaree uhbsuh gal soodo uhbsuh [EUNHYUK] Noonmooldo uhbsuh neukkimdo uhbsuh
[SHINDONG] Ne ape suh inneun nal barabwa [EUNHYUK] Nuhl wihae sarainneun nal

[DONGHAE] Yaksokdwen shigani wassuhyo geudae ape issuhyo dooryuhwoome woolgo ijjiman
[SIWON] Noonmooreul dakkajoouhssuhyo geuddae nae sonjabajjyo iruhnalguhya
[LEETEUK] Hamkke haejoon geudae ege haengbogeul

[SUNGMIN] Noongamgo geudael geuryuhyo mamsok geudael chajajjyo nareul balkhyuhjooneun bichi boyuh yuhngwuhnhan
[KANGIN] Haengbogeul nohchil soon uhbjyo geudae na boinayo nareul boolluhjwuhyo geudaegyuhte
[RYEOWOOK] Isseulgguhya nuhreul saranghae hamkkehaeyo geudaewa yuhngwuhnhee

[HEECHUL] Hanbuhndo nan nuhreul ijuh bonjuhk uhbsuh
Ojik geudaemaneul saenggakhaenneunguhl
[KIBUM] Geuruhn nuhneun mwuhya nal ijuhdduhn guhya
[YESUNG] Nae noonesuhn noonmool heulluh baeshingam

[SUNGMIN] Yaksokdwen shigani wassuhyo geudae ape issuhyo dooryuhwoome woolgo ijjiman
[KANGIN] Noonmooreul dakkajoouhssuhyo geuddae nae sonjabajjyo iruhnalguhya
[EUNHYUK] Hamkke haejoon geudae ege haengbogeul

[DONGHAE] Noongamgo geudael geuryuhyo mamsok geudael chajajjyo nareul balkhyuhjooneun bichee boyuh yuhngwuhnhan
[LEETEUK] Haengbogeul nohchil soon uhbjyo geudae na boinayo nareul boolluhjwuhyo geudaegyuhte
[YESUNG] Isseulgguhya nuhreul saranghae hamkkehaeyo geudaewa yuhngwuhnhee

[HEECHUL] Juh parangsaedeuri juhnhaejooneun haengbogiraneun guh
[RYEOWOOK] Neul woori gyuhte gakkai inneunguhjyo

[ALL] Noongamgo geudael geuryuhyo mamsok geudael chajajjyo nareul balkhyuhjooneun bichi boyuh
Yuhngwuhnhan haengbogeul nohchil soon uhbjyo geudae na boinayo nareul boolluhjwuhyo
Uhnjerado geudae maeumeul yuhruh boayo apen naega issuhyo
Nareul boolluhjwuhyo geudae gyuhte
[RYEOWOOK] Isseulgguhya nuhreul saranghae
[ALL] Hamkkehaeyo geudaewa yuhngwuhnhee

I never once
forgot you
I thought of only you
Then what about you
Did you forget me
My tears fall from my eyes
I feel betrayed
I thought of finding you
I, I don’t realy know
In my eyes, you are the only one
in the world
I don’t have anything to say
I can’t go
I don’t have tears
Look at me in front of you
Me, who lives for you alone
The time came for us to meet
You are in front of me
crying with nervousness
I dried your tears
then I held your hand
I’m going to rise
and give you, whose been with me
With my eyes, I long for you
In my heart, I’ve found you
I can see the light that brightens me
I can’t let go of the eternal happiness
Can you see me?
Call my name! By your side
I will stay
I love you!
Let’s be together, you and me forever
I never once
forgot you
I thought of only you
Then what about you
Did you forget me
My tears fall from my eyes
I feel betrayed
The time came for us to meet
You are in front of me
crying with nervousness
I dried your tears
then I held your hand
I’m going to rise
and give you, whose been with me
With my eyes, I long for you
In my heart, I’ve found you
I can see the light that brightens me
I can’t let go of the eternal happiness
Can you see me?
Call my name! By your side
I will stay
I love you!
Let’s be together, you and me forever
The happiness that the bluebirds give
is always near to us
With my eyes, I long for you
In my heart, I’ve found you
I can see the light that brightens me
I can’t let go of the eternal happiness
Can you see me?
Call my name!
Open your heart whenever
and see that I’m always in front of you
Call my name! By your side
I will stay
I love you!
Let’s be together, you and me forever

Cuz I can't stop~
No I can't stop~

(siwon) norur choum boge dwisso nor wonhaji anhgo gyeondirsuga issurka
(hankyung) gurohge chyoda bojima nowaui geimun ajig shijag anhasso
(heechul) naegeso taro choumurbwa noei isanghyang chajabwa jortheni
(ryeowook) gu namjaga naega dwige haejurtheni
(danche) cuz i can't stop thinking about you girl
(kangin) nor naegoro mandurgoya~
(danche) no i can't stop thinking about you girl
(leeteuk) nae uri ane gadu goshipo~
(ryeowook) oo~~~oo ~~~~~ oowoh~
(heechul) poyahdon oyubichpibu ginmori guthe nama ibnun hyangiwa
(kyuhyun) naju maghan mogsorido nar gonggyeok hani narigirsun obso
(yesung) noege boyajun maejig bargan jangmisoge somgyeojun banjirur jorge
(kyuhyun) gujuini niga dwige haejurtheni
(danche) cuz i cant stop thinking about you girl
(ryeowook) nowa hamke ibgo shipo~
(danche) no i cant stop thinking about you girl
(donghae) nar yogi dugo goborijima
(danche) cuz i cant stop thinking about you girl
(sungmin) nor naegoro mandurgoya a~
(danche) no i cant stop thinking about you girl
(siwon) nae uri ane gadugo shipo~
(eunhyuk) noei najson hyangieso chuogur doryeo barabonun gudaero nunbichi nae shimjangur uryeo jiuryeo haedo soyong obso guthdo obshi norur hyanghae daryeo naega gudaerur[ro] gajgesso
(kibum) nor wihaeso modungor da gorgo jonbu irhge dwindahaedo imi geimun shijag dwibnungor jar aradwo ijen noei namjanun baro narangor
(ryeowook) nar wonhago andarhage mandurtheni~
(korosu) can't stop~
(danche) cuz i cant stop thinking about you girl
(ryeowook) nowa hamke ibgoshipo
(danche) no i cant stop thinking about you girl
(donghae) nar yogi dugo gaborijima
(danche) cuz i cant stop thinking about you girl
(sungmin) norge goro mandurgoya~
(danche) no i cant stop thinking about you girl
(donghae) nae uri ane gadugo shipo~
Cuz i cant stop~
No i cant stop~
Cuz i cant stop~

SIWON] Ben pao ying zhe feng lang wu dao
Ba fan nao tuo diao zhi xiang yao zhua zhu zhe
yi ke zhe yi miao
[KYUHYUN] Kong qi li chong man huan xiao qing chun de wei dao
Shi yi zhong xuan li de yan liao
Shi jie bu zai zhi you dan diao de ji hao
[HANGENG] Bu ceng you guo dong yao bu ting le jian zao
OH~ meng xiang de cheng bao
[DONGHAE] Wo hui mo mo de qi dao
Zai yi ci kan dao ni wei xiao

[ALL] It's gonna be me
[SIWON] Pao kai fan nao qu ben pao
[ALL] It's gonna be me
[DONGHAE] Ling ting wo zhen shi de xin tiao
[ZM] Ba ni yong ru wo huai bao hai you shen me geng zhong yao
Xiang tong hua gu shi yi yang de mei hao

[ALL] It’s gonna be me
[HANGENG] Xiang yao ba ni jin jin zhua lao
[ALL] It’s gonna be me
[RYEOWOOK] Xing fu de yu zhao xia yi miao jiu yao jie xiao
[KYUHYUN] Zhi shao ke yi chu mo dao ni na shi run de yan jiao
Kao zai wo shen bian jing jing de shui zhao
[RYEOWOOK] It’s gonna be me

[ZHOUMI] Kong qi li chong man huan xiao qing chun de wei dao
Shi yi zhong xuan li yan liao
Shi jie bu zai zhi you dan diao de ji hao
[RYEOWOOK] Bu ceng you guo dong yao bu ting de jian zao
OH~ meng xiang de cheng bao
[KYUHYUN] Wo hui mo mo de qi dao
[RYEOWOOK+KYUHYUN] Zai yi ci kan dao ni wei xiao

[ALL] It's gonna be me
[HANGENG] Pao kai fan nao qu ben pao
[ALL] It's gonna be me
[DONGHAE] Ling ting wo zhen shi de xin tiao
[HENRY] Ba ni yong ru wo huai bao hai you shen me geng zhong yao
[RYEOWOOK] Xiang tong hua gu shi yi yang de mei hao

[ZM] Wo shi ni de wai tao ai bu hui gan mao gan zou suo you fan nao
[KYUHYUN] Shang xin ke yi bian de hen shao wo men ke yi hen hao

[RYEOWOOK] Si nian wu chu ke tao ni jiu shi jie yao

[ALL] It’s gonna be me
[HENRY] Tian kong bu zai bu man wu yun
[ALL] It’s gonna be me
[DONGHAE] Don't wanna say goodbye

[RYEOWOOK] Xiang shi jie xuan gao name de jiao ao I’m Loving you

[ALL] It's gonna be me
[SIWON] Pao kai fan nao qu ben pao ([KYUHYUN] fan nao qu ben pao)
[ALL] It's gonna be me
[DONGHAE] Ling ting wo zhen shi de xin tiao ([RYEOWOOK] ni ting de dao ma?)

[HENRY] Ba ni yong ru wo huai bao hai you shen me geng zhong yao
Xiang tong hua gu shi yi yang de mei hao ([KYUHYUN] xiang tong hua ban mei hao)

[ALL] It’s gonna be me
[HANGENG] Xiang yao ba ni jin jin zhua lao ([ZM] yao ba ni zhua lao)
[ALL] It’s gonna be me
[RYEOWOOK] Xing fu de yu zhao xia yi miao jiu you jie xiao ([ZM] xia yi miao)
[KYUHYUN] Zhi shao ke yi chu mo dao ni na shi run de yan jiao ([ZM] duo shan yao)
[ALL] Kao zai wo shen bian jing jing de shui zhao
It's gonna be ?(me)

Wonder boy

(Leeteuk,Sungmin) To taekhamyon dwae nae
Sarmui concept
Jaritan sesangsoge
(Hankyung,) Nan jal hanikka jal nan nanikka
Mido bwa gourul bwa
(Siwon,Hankyung) Bichul baragiman hae
Onjena hae markge

(Ryeowook) Boiji annun nunmurun itgetjiman
Nunmurun itgetjiman

(All) Arajugiman hae jwo
I jagun sesang aneso
I jakgo yorin nae gasum anen
Hwanhan segyerul gamsa ana

Dallyoboja naeirul hyanghan
Duryoum tawin opso
Godokhan taeyang arae barkge bichwo jul
Na Wonder Boy Yeah

(Sungmin) Munje-en hangsang bimiri isso
Gu haedabun gandanhae
(Eunhyuk,Hankyung) O chumul chu dut
Gu nukkim gudaero
Pajyo bwa duryowon ma
Himdun il ilgorago
Miri sangsanghaji ma

(Boiji annun nunmurun itgetjiman
Shijakdo kutdo modu
Naega manduro bonun goya
Hanurul naragaso byori doeo
Banjaginun na janha

Nunbushin taeyangun
Nal bichwojune hwanhan misoro
Usanun hanamyon dwae duryopjin anke

Gu nunmul tawin
Gamchwo dujin ma Yeah
Soril nae uro gwaenchanha
(Yesung) Gasume burkge muldun
Noul barabomyonso
Hanuri naeryo jun namanui chukje

Do kuthun opso
Damdamhi nunbushin mirael yoro
Onurui taeyangun nal gamsamyo
Paran hanul arae
Usanun hanamyon dwae duryopjin anke
Godokhan taeyang arae barkge bitnage

Rallara rallallalla
Rarararal rallallalla

Nunbushin taeyangun
Nal bichwojune hwanhan misoro
Usanun hanamyon dwae duryopjin anke
Na Wonder Boy Yeah

Love U more
Love U more
Love U more
Love U more
[Ryeowook] Nae mam sogeh itneun neol
Love U more
Love U more
[Ryeowook] Neh sumgyeoli nae mamsogeh itneun geol

[Siwon] Nopeun haneul arae-ae jageun jeom hanaga sarangeul noraehaneh
[Heechul] Yeojeonhi geudae eopneun nawae moseum nae yeopae geurimjaman bangineh
[Kangin] Honjamanae saenggakmaneuro i shigan chae-ul su eopgo
[Sungmin] Geudae-ae misoga gaseum sok (gipi) gadeuk chae-uneun geol

* Geudae mam sogehneun
[Eeteuk] Sarangi eopneun geol
Gidarim sogeh geudaewa geudaewa (I pray for you)
Na-ae mam sogehneun
 [Yesung] Modeun geh sarangin geol
Neh sumgyeoli nae mamsogeh itneungeol (neol gidarineun geol)

[Donghae] Geu sarangi chaja ul geora mitneun gidarim sogeh jageun seolrehim
[Heechul] Jogeumsshik geudaega naegeh maemdoneun dalkomhan Kiss cheot neukkimcheoreom
] Malhal su eopneun nae ma-eum sok I sarang jeonhal gil eopgo
[Eeteuk] Geudaega ul ddaemyeon ma-eum sok (gipi) gamssa jugopeun geol

* Geudae mam sogehneun
[Eunhyuk] Sarangi eopneun geol
Gidarim sogeh geudaewa geudaewa (I pray for you)
Na-ae mam sogehneun
[Yesung] Modeun geh sarangin geol
Neh sumgyeoli nae mamsogeh itneungeol (neol gidarineun geol)

] Nae mam sogeh sumshwineun neol yeongwonhi I Love U
[Sungmin] Eonjehna geudaereul geuriwohaneun geol
[Yesung] Geu mahneun naldeulrae gi-eokdeulggajido
[Ryeowook] Nan ara neo mani sarangin geol

* Na-ae mam sogehneun
[Donghae] Yeongwonhi neoppunin geol
Nal barabwa jun geu nari oneun nal (I pray for you)
Geudae mam sogehneun
[Ryeowook] Modeun geh sarangin geol
Neh somgyeolri nae mam sogeh itneun geol (neol gidarineun geol)

Love U more
Love U more
Love U more
] Nae mam sogeh itneun neol
Love U more
Love U more
] Sumgyeoli nae mam sogeh itneun geol



Majiman naeaonae pichin kurireul pichoolddae
I kaseumson kippi namgyudoon keumaleul
Kunnaego shippuh

Unjaengabootuh appuaon kaseumhanjonae jakeun sangjuga
Handae naegaen mumoolrutdun hanjogak

Hajiman nul chinan saewulchurum
Keuchu seuchyuganeun saramboda
Euimiuptneun inyuniragoh
Saenggak haesutnapwa

Numoo mulusuh amoogutdo joolsoo ubsuh
Noogoongaga chunhaechwuh chaebal
Naega yugi suh

Majiman naeaonae pichin igurireul pichoolddea
Geu seulppeumsok kippi kamchwuwatdun maleul

Achik moreugaesuh nan I anae itneun naemoseup
Haebaragichurum numaneul parabomyuh
Salgo sippuh

Hajiman nul chinan saewulchurum
Keujuh seuchyuganeun sarambodan
Euimi uptneun inyuniragoh

Numoo mulusuh amoogutdo joolsoo ubsuh
Noogoongaga chunhaechwuh chaebal
Naega yugi suh

Majiman naeaonae pichin igurireul pichoolddea
Geu seulppeumsok kippi kamchwuwatdun maleul

Achik moreugaesuh nan I anae itneun naemoseup
Haebaragichurum numaneul parabomyuh
Salgo sippuh

Chamsi swulsoo isutdun haengbokhaetdun ujaeggoomaesuh
Kkaeunangun churum saesangappae
Mumchyusu itsuh

Majiman naeaonae pichin igurireul pichoolddea
Geu seulppeumsok kippi kamchwuwatdun maleul

Achik moreugaesuh nan I anae itneun naemoseup
Haebaragichurum numaneul parabomyuh
Salgo sippuh

Tic Toc
 [EUNHYUK] Ya~hoo! Uh! Uh! You and me together Tic toc yeah! Come on!

[ALL] Tic toc no it's the clock again, tic toc no it's the clock
Tic toc no it's the clock again, beating in my head like a big drum

[SIWON] Amuri aereul ssuhbwado nan al sooga obso wae naman jagajineungonji (Tic toc!)
[KYUHYUN] Gyesok naerineun huin noone nae morido hayahke jiwojyuh gago innabwa Yeah
[HEECHUL] Sae hayan nooneul kkoomeul jabeuruh ee gyuhwool gadeuk noege jooryuhgo
[ALL] Gokjongma oneul bamee gado no hanaman saranghalge
[KANGIN] Gobaekhal guhrago irohke dajimhaedo
[ALL] Naneun amu mal mot hago ([YE/WOOK] You and me together) hayan noonman ssahyuhgane

[SUNGMIN] Wonhaneun goseul mwodeun da haejoogo shipo maeil nan ironge sarangigejji Yeah (Tic toc!)
[RYEOWOOK] Nol wihaesuh joonbihan jogeuman sonmoollo motjige shijakhaebolgga

[DONGHAE] Sojoonghee ganjikhae on maeumdo ije nan modu da boyuhjuryuhgo!
[ALL] Nomu yeppeun ee gyuhwoori ([YESUNG] ---) hayan noonkkot ee sesangee ([YESUNG] You and me)
[LEETEUK] Nokagagi juhne sarajigi juhne
[ALL] Ijen marhaeya haneunde ([YESUNG] Ah baby) joshimseure dagagado ([YESUNG] You and me)
[YESUNG?] Ddo amu mal mot haneun babogateun na
[ALL] Noneun barabogo iggo ([RYEOWOOK] You and me together) hayan nooni naerineun bam

[ALL] Tic toc no it's the clock again
[RYEOWOOK] beating in my head like a big drum

[ALL] Banjjak! [SHINDONG] Noonee booshin misoe gojangi nan goseun anilgga
[ALL] Ggamjjak! [EUNHYUK] Nae ireumman boolluhdo doogeundaeneun bam noneun algga
[ALL] Oh! No! [DONGHAE] Shigye baneureul momchwo buhril soon obseulgga
[EUNHYUK] Doogeunguhryuh ajikeun Take it slow~

[RYEOWOOK] Nol saranghae

[ALL] Yeppeun ee gyuhwooree ([YESUNG] Gyuhwooree) hayan noonkkot ee sesangee ([YESUNG] I love you baby)
[KYUHYUN] Nokagagi juhne sarajigi juhne
[ALL] Ijen marhaeya haneunde ([YESUNG] Oh baby) joshimseure dagagado ([RYEOWOOK] You and me together)
([YESUNG] You and me) [ALL] Ddo amu mal mot haneun babogateun nae moseup
Noneun barabogo iggo ([KYU/WOOK] You and me together) saehayan ([YESUNG] You and me) noonee ([YESUNG] Baby) naeryuhwa

First Snow
Ee nyuhn eul kkoh bahk gee dah reen guhl yo
Gyuh ool ee nuh moo geu ree wuh jyuh suh
Hah roo gah duh ook gee ruh
Chuht noon ee oh gee mahn gee dah ryuh

Jah geun nee soh neul jahp goh gee doh hae
Ee moh deun sarang ee ohn seh sang gah deuk hee
Ssah eel soo mahn eet dah myuhn
Moh doo haeng bohk hahl tehn deh

Heen noon ee oh myuhn dong neh gah deuk hee
Kkoh mah deul oo seum soh ree nuhm chyuh wah
Oh nuh yae jang nahn seu ruhn mee soh
I can't stop loving you
Nahn ahl soo eet neun guhl ooh chuht noon ee wah
Oh neul bahm ee jee nah gah myuhn

Oh neul bahm ee jee nah gah myuhn chuht noon ee
Soo bohk hee ssah yuht geht jee ohn seh sang ee hah yah geh
Mah chee nae gah dong hwah sohk ae joo een gong gaht geht jyo
Chuhn sah gah teun hwahn hahn mee soh gah uh doo oon guh ree
Bahl kkeh bee chwuh bahm hah neul ae byuhl ee
Boon myung hee heen noon eul nae ryuh jool guh yah

Nuh yae noon dong jah eh bee cheen
Seh sang uhl mah nah ah reum dah oon jee
Jee geum ee soon gahn eul hahm kkeh
Nah nool soo ee ssuh gahm sah hae

Heen noon ee oh myuhn dong neh gah deuk hee
Kkoh mah deul oo seum soh ree nuhm chyuh wah
Nahn nuh yae jang nahn seu ruhn mee soh
Nae geh mahn boh yuh jwuh

Nah doh moh reu geh
Uh neu sae nuh neun ee toh rohk
Gah kkah oon sah rahm een guh nee
Geu noo goo boh dah duh soh joong hae
Chuht noon chuh ruhm

Chuht noon ee oh myuhn seh sang gah deuk hee
Nuh mahn ae bahn jjahk ee neun noon beet gwah
Nuhl sarang hah neun mah eum geu guhl loh
Haeng bohk hae geu dae wah

Heen noon ee oh myuhn dong neh gah deuk hee
Kkoh mah deul oo seum soh ree nuhm chyuh wah
Oh nuh yae jang nahn seu ruhn mee soh
I can't stop loving you
Nahn ahl soo eet neun guhl
Ooh chuht noon ee wah
Oh neul bahm ee jee nah gah myuhn

Oh neul bahm ee jee nah gah myuhn

Chuht noon ee kkohk wahee sseul guh yah

        Lovely Day
My love everytime I'm thinking about you
My life is you. I miss you
I believe my dream will come true

Geudaewa isseul ttaen nae ma-eumkkaji da deulkyeobeorigo maneunji
Geo-ure bichin nae moseubeul bomyeon nae ma-eumi da boyeo

Bogoshipttaneun nae ane yaegiga teongmitkkaji na-oryeohago
Chamaboryeogo jamshi saenggakhamyeon nan eoneusae marangeol

I wanna hold your hands
(Everytime I'm thinking about you)
I wanna kiss to your lips (nae ma-eum gadeukhi)
I wanna fall in love with you
It must be beautiful lovely day

Saranghandaneun yaegineun jeoldaero seodureumyeon an dweneungeoji
Nae mami gabyeopkke bo-iji ankil weonhaedo nan eoneusae

I wanna hold your hands
(everytime I'm thinking about you)
I wanna kiss to your lips (Let me love you baby)
I wanna fall in love with you
It must be beautiful lovely day

Nae sarang geudaereul wihaeseo sesang eodirado
Naega hamkke hal su itttamyeon
My love for you my everything
Geudaemaneul wihae

Geudae nunbicheun eonjena nareul bureuji
Michiji haengbogi neukkyeojineun kkumman gateun geunyeo
Na jamjari-e geudae moseup geuryeo neoreul neukkyeo
Ijeneun naemam geudae-ege jeonhaejigil barae
Nae bore seuchineun baramgyeote
Na ttodashi mudeuk geudaereul tteo-ollijyo
Geudae-ui gyeote keodaran namuga dwe-eo
Haneul arae maju anja geudaereul jikilgeyo
Nareul mideojweoyo

I wanna hold your hands
(I wanna hold your hands)
I wanna kiss to your lips
(I wanna kiss to your lips)
I wanna fall in love with you
It must be beautiful lovely day
It must be beautiful lovely day


[ALL] Oneureun uhdireul gashinayo nan nuhmu goonggeumhaeyo goonggeumhae
Namjadeul manheunde an gamyuhn andwenayo SUNNY~ yes I love you!
[LEETEUK] Nuguna algo inneun sashireun geunyuhneun yeppuh nuhmu yeppuhsuh
Mureupkkoolhgo gidarineun namja handoori anya~
[ALL] Geuguhn andwae!

[SUNGMIN] I love you I need you
[KANGIN] Ah sonyuhyuh naman bwayo
[ALL] Nan geudaeui noyega dwegopa
[SUNGMIN] I love you I want you
[YESUNG] Duhneun mot chama naman bwayo
[ALL] Nan geudaeui dalkomhan kkooldanji

[EUNHYUK] Nan nan dalla nae maeryuhge pook ppajyuhbuhrilguhl HAHA
Geudael chyuhdaboneun juh noonbitdeulgwa
Nan nan chawuhni dalla soonsoohan miso
Jenteurhan* moseup oneuljuhnyuhk wooseumjoolge
Ddo gakkeumeun nappeun namjado dwae bolge nan iruhn namjaya

[ALL] Oneul ddo uhdireul gashinayo nan nuhmu goonggeumhaeyo goonggeunhae
Yuhjabundeul mwuhga geurido pappeunguhnji SUNNY~ yes I love you!
[SUNGMIN] Nuguna algo inneun sashireun
[MIN+TEUK] Geunyuhneun yeppuh nuhmu yeppuhsuh
[SUNGMIN] Mureupkkolhgo gidarineun namja handoori anya~ [ALL] Geuguhn andwae!

[SUNGMIN] I love you I need you
[KANGIN] Ah sonyuhyuh naman bwayo
[ALL] Nan geudaeui noyega dwegopa
[SUNGMIN] I love you I want you
[YESUNG] Duhneun mot chama naman bwayo
[ALL] Nan geudaeui dalkomhan kkooldanji

[YESUNG] Oh lady lady jogeum murihaebwado dwel guht gateun oneul juhnyuhk woorin gwaenchanhji
[ALL] Yeyeyeye

[SUNGMIN+ALL] SUNNY, SUNNY, SUNNY! I love you I need you
[KANGIN] Ah sonyuhyuh naman bwayo
[ALL] Nan geudaeui noyega dwegopa
[SUNGMIN] I love you I want you
[ALL] Duhneun mot chama naman bwayo nan geudaeui dalkomhan kkooldanji

[SHINDONG] Danji geudae gyuhte muhtjin namjagil~ nuga bwado oo wah~ jiguchon moduga burowoon noongil
Geudaereul wihaesuh peshidwelge mwuhdeun halge majimageuro hanmadiman halge naesarang

It’s You

[Hankyung] neorago ([Kyuhyun] neorago)
[Hankyung] neorago ([Kyuhyun] neorago)

[Hankyung] nan neoppunirago ([Kyuhyun] neorago)
[Hankyung] neorago

[Donghae] dareunsaram pillyoeobseo nan geunyang neorago (neorago)
dasi hanbeon mureobwado geunyang neorago (neorago)
[Kyuhyun] imi neoneun dareun sarang haetgetjiman (neorago)
nochil suga eobseo dasi dorikilsu eobseo (neorago)

[Yesung] nae nunbichi tteugeowotdeon sungane (neorago)
gaseum gipeun moseul bakdeon sungane (neorago)
[Eeteuk] miryeoneobsi baro neoreul seontaekhaesseo (neorago)
geurae nan neorago

[Siwon] o nan geu nuga nuga mworaedo naneun sanggwan eopdago
geu nuga nuga yokhaedo neoman barabondago
[Ryeowook] na dasi taeeonan daedo ojik neo ppunirago
(jjaekkakjjaekkak) sigani heulleodo, o nan

[Kangin] neol saranghandan malhaedo cheonbeonmanbeon malhaedo
nae gaseum sok da bul tago mareun ipsul dartorok
[Kyuhyun] na dasi taeeonan daedo ojik neo ppunineorago
(jjaekkakjjaekkak) sigani heulleodo, o nan

[Eunhyuk] Ah ah only for you
[Eeteuk] Ah ah only for you

[Kangin] amu maldo pillyoeobseo nan geunyang neorago (neorago)
neomu neujeotdago haedo nan geunyang neorago (neorago)
[Sungmin] jalmotdoen sarangin geol algo itjiman (neorago)
pogi hal su eobseo jeoldae nochil suneun eobseo (neorago)

[Eunhyuk] chadichan nae ipsureun deo bureune (neorago)
[Shindong] tteugeoupge neoreul chaja oechine (neorago)
[Ryeowook] bulleobwado daedabeomneun neoijiman (neorago)
neol gidarindago, o nan

[Hankyung] geu nuga nuga mworaedo naneun sanggwan eopdago
geu nuga nuga yokhaedo neoman barabondago
[Yesung] na dasi taeeonan daedo ojik neoppunirago
(jjaekkakjjaekkak) sigani heulleodo, o nan

[Sungmin] neol saranghanda malhaedo cheon beon man beon malhaedo
nae gaseum sok da bul tago mareun ipsul dartorok
[Kyuhyun] na dasi taeeonan daedo ojik neo ppunirago
(jjaekkakjjaekkak) sigani heulleodo, o nan

[Eunhyuk] Ah ah only for you
Ah ah only for you

[Heechul] nan neorago neorago naneun
[Donghae] wae moreuni wae moreuni

[Siwon] geu nuganuga mworaedo naneun sanggwaneopdago ([yeseong] naneun sanggwaneopdago)
geu nuganuga yokhaedo neoman barabondago ([yeseong] neol barabwa hey)
[Ryeowook] na dasi taeeonan daedo ojik neo ppunirago
(jjaekkakjjaekkak) sigani heulleodo, o nan

[Donghae] neol saranghanda malhaedo cheonbeon manbeon malhaedo
nae gaseum sok da bul tago mareun ipsul dartorok ([yeseong] ipsul dartorok)
[Kyuhyun] na dasi taeeonan daedo ojik neo ppunirago
(jjaekkakjjaekkak) sigani heulleodo, o nan

[Heechul] neorago ([Kyuhyun] neorago)
[Heechul] nan neoppunirago ([Kyuhyun] neorago)
[Heechul] neorago

[Hankyung] It’s you ([Kyuhyun] It’s you)
[Hankyung] It’s you ([Kyuhyun] It’s you)
[Hankyung] It’s only you for me ([Kyuhyun] It’s you)
[Hankyung] It’s you

[Donghae] I don’t need anyone else, it’s only you for me
When you ask again, it’s only you for me
[Kyuhyun] Even if you already love someone else
I can’t forget you, I can’t turn back around

[Yesung] The moment my eyes began to burn
The moment my heart was deeply pierced with a nail
[Eeteuk] Without regrets, I chose you
That’s right, it’s you for me

Oh, I
[Siwon] Whatever anyone anyone says
It doesn’t matter to me
Whoever whoever curses me
I’ll only look at you
[Ryeowook] Even when I’m born again, it’s still only you for me
(Tic toc tic toc) Even as time goes by

Oh, I
[Kang In] When I tell you I love you
When I tell you thousands and millions of times
Even when my heart sets aflame, my dry lips wear out
[Kyuhyun] Even when I’m born again, it’s still only you for me
(Tic toc tic toc) Even as time goes by
Oh, I

[Eunhyuk] Ah ah only for you
[Eeteuk] Ah ah only for you

[Kang In] I don’t need any words, it’s just you for me
It’s too late, but for me it’s just you for me
[Sungmin] I know our love is wrong
I can’t give up, I can’t let you go

[Eunhyuk] My icy lips call out more
[Shindong] I cry out to find your warmth
[Ryeowook] Although when I call you, there’s no reply
I’ll wait for you

[Hankyung] Whatever anyone anyone says
It doesn’t matter to me
Whoever whoever curses me
I’ll only look at you
[Yesung] Even when I’m born again, it’s still only you for me
(Tic toc tic toc) Even as time goes by

[Sungmin] When I tell you I love you
When I tell you thousands and millions of times
Even when my heart sets aflame, my dry lips wear out
[Kyuhyun] Even when I’m born again, it’s still only you for me
(Tic toc tic toc) Even as time goes by
Oh, I

[Eunhyuk] Ah ah only for you
Ah ah only for you

[Heechul] For me, it’s you, it’s you, I…
[Donghae] Why don’t you know, why don’t you know?
[Heechul] For me, it’s you, it’s you, I

[Siwon] Whatever anyone anyone says
It doesn’t matter to me ([Yesung] Doesn’t matter to me)
Whoever whoever curses me
I’ll only look at you ([Yesung] Look at you hey)
[Ryeowook] Even when I’m born again, it’s still only you for me
(Tic toc tic toc) Even as time goes by

[Donghae] When I tell you I love you
When I tell you thousands and millions of times
Even when my heart sets aflame, my dry lips wear out ([Yesung] Lips wear out)
[Kyuhyun] Even when I’m born again, it’s still only you
(Tic toc tic toc) Even as time goes by
Oh, I

[Heechul] It’s you ([Kyuhyun] It’s you)
[Heechul] It’s only you ([Kyuhyun] It’s you)
[Heechul] It’s you


(eunhyuk rap)maeil bam yolsi jeil meonjeoha neunil.
ttaettaero ppaemeokkidohaedo pyeon ham eopsi.
chingu cheorom pyeonhan moksori ro chaja.
chiruhan ilsangena nalkaereul dala.
(yesung)ajikdo hemego itnayo geokjeong marayo.
mangseori jimalgo geudae yeoson naemirayo.
(kyuhyun)eonjena areumdaun miso reul ilji marayo.
kkokjam eun duson nohji marayo.
(ryeowook+kyu=kiss the kiss the radio)(eunhyuk rap)kiss kiss keurae keurae ji.
ruhae deonil deuleun ba ggweji deulyo.
go kae deulu naemal deulu hamkke nanuneun.
haengbokhan ilsang yenanamge deula.
kiss kiss keurae keurae ji.
ruhae deonil deuleun.
deulye deulyeo gokae deuleo nae maldeuleo.
hamke na nu neun haengbokhan.
ilsangye nanal gaedeul dala.

Super Girl

(Kyuhyun) Oh~chao ji chao ji de niu hai

(Siwon) Kan wok an kan wo
Bu yao zong shi xiang zhe tau
Bu ai bu ai ta bu ai ni
Ni de wan mei sheng guo ta

(Kyuhyun) Bu yao zai ding zhe na shou ji
Bu yao zai na san xin er yi
Ni ming bai de, ni qing chu de, wo chao ji de ni hai

*(Ryeowook) you shi hou xiang qi ta song ni de hua
  (Henry) diu diao kuai diu diao ba
  (Ryeowook) hai you ta na zui mi ren de wei xiao
  (Henry) wang diao kuai wang diao ba
  (Ryeowook) ta de wen rou hai hui rang ni dian dao
  (Henry) xing lai kuai xing lai ba
  (Ryeowook) ni de hao shi dou me shen mi, qing rang wo hao bao ni


Sorry Sorry - Answer
Hey~Whoooahh whoah
I will love you tonight
Michidorok neol wonhago isseo yeah
Dan harurado neo eobsi an doeneun nan oh~ baby
I hold you in my arms ojik geu sarange simjangi ttwineun geol
Nan jeomjeom sumi makhyeowa ireoda jukkesseo I want you baby

Neomu neomu areumdawo ne moseube neogsi ppajyeobeorin na
Ppajyeobeorin na
Geujeo ne nunbiche saro japhyeo gogaejocha dollil sudo eomneun na
Babo gateun na
Gaseum teojyeo beoril geot gata neoui soneul jabeumyeon ne ipsure ip
Matchum halttaemyeon
Geunyeomani naege jooin ilsu itneun geol I'm a slave for you~

Sorry sorry sorry sorry naega naega naega meonjeo nege nege nege
Ppajyeo ppajyeo ppajyeo beoryeo baby
Shawty shawty shawty shawty nuni busyeo busyeo busyeo sumi makhyeo
Makhyeo makhyeo naega michyeo michyeo baby
Sorry sorry sorry sorry naega naega naega meonjeo nege nege nege
Ppajyeo ppajyeo ppajyeo beoryeo baby
Shawty shawty shawty shawty nuni busyeo busyeo busyeo sumi makhyeo
Makhyeo makhyeo naega michyeo michyeo baby
Nan nan nananana nanana nana nanana nana nanana (lalalala)
Nan nan nananana nanana nana nanana nana nanana nanana

Haengbokhan baborado doen gibun neukkil su itgenni yeah
Nal gajyeodo neon neon gwaenchanha geudaero sigani meomchwoseo
Hanaui naigil wonhae

Neomu neomu areumdawo ne moseube neogsi ppajyeobeorin na
Ppajyeobeorin na
Geujeo ne nunbiche saro japhyeo gogaejocha dollil sudo eomneun na
Babo gateun na
Gaseum teojyeo beoril geotgata neoui soneul jabeumyeon
Ne~ ipsure ip matchundamyeon
Geunyeomani naege jooin ilsu itneun geol I'm a slave for you~

Sorry sorry sorry sorry naega naega naega meonjeo nege nege nege
Ppajyeo ppajyeo ppajyeo beoryeo baby
Shawty shawty shawty shawty nuni busyeo busyeo busyeo sumi makhyeo
Makhyeo makhyeo naega michyeo michyeo baby
Sorry sorry sorry sorry naega naega naega meonjeo nege nege nege
Ppajyeo ppajyeo ppajyeo beoryeo baby
Shawty shawty shawty shawty nuni busyeo busyeo busyeo sumi makhyeo
Makhyeo makhyeo naega michyeo michyeo baby

Sangsanghan su eobseo neoreul ilhneundaneun geot
Nega eobsi saraganeun salmiran geot
Isunganeun kieokhalkke maengsehalkke
Neol cheoeumcheoreom baraboneun haebaraki boy

Machi neonnareul guwonhake bonaejin geol
Saranghaneun salmi naege heorakdwin geol
Geudaemaneuro naneun chungbunhae finally you're in my life

Sorry baby sorry baby neoman neoreul saranghaeseo mianhae
Cheongmal mianhae
Shawty baby shawty baby geudaemaneul barabwaseo mianhae
Cheongmal eojjeol suga eobtna bwa

Sorry sorry sorry sorry naega naega naega meonjeo nege nege nege
Ppajyeo ppajyeo ppajyeo beoryeo baby
Shawty shawty shawty shawty nuni busyeo busyeo busyeo sumi makhyeo
Makhyeo makhyeo naega michyeo michyeo baby
Sorry sorry sorry sorry naega naega naega meonjeo nege nege nege
Ppajyeo ppajyeo ppajyeo beoryeo baby
Shawty shawty shawty shawty nuni busyeo busyeo busyeo sumi makhyeo
Makhyeo makhyeo naega michyeo michyeo baby

Realize the heat, the lie
Baby, give me can't deny
Sori naeji malgo urin geujeo I gongganeul neukkyeo
Gipi bbajyeodeuneun sarang jeunghuguneul neukkyeo
Jeoldae byeonhajido malja heeojiji malja
Naboda deo saranghae maleul haejuja
Baek beondo man beonirado
On and on Precious love

Nan nan nananana nanana nanana nana nanana (lalalala)
Nan nan nananana nanana nana nanana nana nanana nanana

Pajama Party
Hanbeon dubeon sebeon myeot ppeonui manname
Nan nege FEEL I kkochyeosseo.
Geunyeo-ui nunbittto naegero eoneusae nan
Biteu-e rideume momeul shireo namjadapkke OKAY~
Modeun junbineun kkeunnasseo ja, one two three Let's Go

Uri oneul bam PARTY haeyo
Geudae wihae meotjjin bameul mandeulgeyo
Imi uri seoro FEEL I tonghaetttaneun geoseul
Aneunde mweol geuraeyo
Hyanggi naneun chotppuldo satkkuyo
Nae bang gadeuk chae-ul pungseondo sasseoyo
Je-il goreugi himdeureottteon geon oneul bam ibeul PAJAMA

PAJAMA ipkko PAJAMA ipkko
Uri oneul bam meotjjin patireul haeyo
Uri duri shinnage norayo.
Yeonghwacheoreomyo begae ssa-umdo haeyo
Nuncheoreom hayan begaetssok sesang uri duri shinnage jeulgyeoyo

Oraenmane cheongsodi jeongmal oraenmane ppallaedo
Ipssul teojidorok pungseondo jeongshineopshi bappeun on jongil...
Shijange gaseo jang bogo tto yorido
Jikjjeop haebogo eojjeom hokshi sarangi? Neomunado haengbokae ~!

Honja saneun nae bang eotteongayo
Naega jikjjeop mandeun jeonyeogeun eottaeyo?
Geudae oneulbam deo yeppeuneyo teuki geudae-ui PAJAMA

PAJAMA ipkko PAJAMA ipkko
Uri oneul bam meotjjin patireul haeyo
Uri duri shinnage norayo
Sopa wi-eseo chimdae wi-eseo uri ttwi-eoyo
Eorin aecheoreom magu haneul nopi ttwi-eoyo shinnage

Geureodaga jichimyeon gwaeni bunwigi japyeo
Hokshi eongkeumhan saenggak seuljjeok deuljido molla

Geokjjeongeun jeogi beorigo
Geudae ape naesarang sunsuhajyo algetjjyo?
Ije dashi ttwi-eoyo deo nopi ~

PAJAMA ipkko PAJAMA ipkko
Uri oneul bam meotjjin patireul haeyo
Uri duri shinnage norayo
Meotjjin eumakkkwa hayan syampe-in
Geudae hyanggiwa geudae haengbokan euseum

Sesang gajang haengbokan geudaewa jigeum isungan

Shinnage norayo uri
Uri duri shinnage norayo
Oneul bam meotjjin patireul haeyo
Achimi ol ttaekkaji geudaewa
Aju orae geudaewa yeongweonhi

Young man, there's no need to feel down.
I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground.
I said, young man, 'cause you're in a new town
There's no need to be unhappy.

Young man, there's a place you can go.
I said, young man, when you're short on your dough.
You can stay there, and I'm sure you will find
Many ways to have a good time.

It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.

They have everything for you men to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys...

It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.

You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal,
You can do what about you feel...

Young man, are you listening to me?
I said, young man, what do you want to be?
I said, young man, you can make real your dreams.
But you got to know this one thing!

No man does it all by himself.
I said, young man, put your pride on the shelf,
And just go there, to the y.m.c.a.
I'm sure they can help you today.

It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.

They have everything for you men to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys...

It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.

You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal,
You can do what about you feel...

Young man, I was once in your shoes.
I said, I was down and out with the blues.
I felt no man cared if I were alive.
I felt the whole world was so tight...

That's when someone came up to me,
And said, young man, take a walk up the street.
There's a place there called the y.m.c.a.
They can start you back on your way.

It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.

They have everything for you men to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys...

Y-m-c-a... you'll find it at the y-m-c-a.

Young man, young man, there's no need to feel down.
Young man, young man, get yourself off the ground.

Y-m-c-a... you'll find it at the y-m-c-a.

Young man, young man, there's no need to feel down.
Young man, young man, get yourself off the ground.

Y-m-c-a... just go to the y-m-c-a.

Young man, young man, are you listening to me?
Young man, young man, what do you wanna be?


Puff Magic Dragon Lyrics

Translation in progress. Please wait...
Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,
Little jackie paper loved that rascal puff,
And brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff.

ohPuff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,
Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee.

Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sail
Jackie kept a lookout perched on puff’s gigantic tail,
Noble kings and princes would bow whene’er they came,
Pirate ships would lower their flag when puff roared out his name.

oh!Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee
,Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee.

A dragon lives forever but not so little boys
Painted wings and giant rings make way for other toys
.One grey night it happened,
jackie paper came no more
And puff that mighty dragon,
he ceased his fearless roar.

His head was bent in sorrow,
 green scales fell like rain,
Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane
Without his life-long friend
puff could not be brave
So puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave

oh!Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee
Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee.